Coach Bios


Ted Lim

Big Boss of Kuma Weightlifting

Weightlifting coach, sports physical therapist (The Kilo Physio)

Ted started weightlifting in 2011, when he discovered Clarence Kennedy and Calstrength on YouTube and fell in love with the sport. He trained and competed in 2011-2015 before switching his focus to coaching in 2015.

Mentors: Multiple Senior International Coaches, including Tim Swords and Roger Nielsen

Doctorate of Physical Therapy

Combines a background in weightlifting, powerlifting, and physical therapy to produce elite results.


Nick Dondzilla

Head Weightlifting Coach

National-level lifter training and competing in weightlifting since 2013

Mentor/coach: Justin Thacker

Competition PRs at 81kg weight class:
Snatch: 134kg
Clean and Jerk: 180kg

National Podium Finishes:
2017 Uni Nationals: 🥈Sn, 🥇CnJ, 🥇total
2017 Senior Nationals: 🥈CnJ, 🥈Total
2017 AO Finals: 🥈CnJ, 🥈Total
2018 AO1: Swept 🥇
2018 Senior Nationals: 🥇 CnJ
2020 AO3: 🥇 CnJ, 🥇 Total
2020 Senior Nationals:🥈CnJ, 🥉 Total


Hillary Tran


National-level athlete training and competing in weightlifting since 2014

Coached by and learned from multiple international-level coaches and Olympians

Competition PRs (64kg weight class):
Snatch: 86kg
Clean and Jerk: 111kg

Lifetime PRs:
Snatch: 90kg
Clean and Jerk: 114kg

National Podium Finishes:
2017 AO2: 🥉 CnJ
2020 AO3: 🥈Sn